Starvation, ejecting food items from the menu and skipping meals leads to loss of BW but at the same time does not melt the fat, but affects losing muscle mass, liquid, minerals, vitamins, and body fat percentage increases, which leads to disease and premature aging.
After waking up, drink a detox (moring, clay, lemonade, flax and tea, chokeberry or other).
Breakfast is energy-richest meal which should provide energy for the upcoming daily activities. In order to avoid accumulation of stress in stomach during the day, breakfast should be eaten within the first hour after awakening. If you omit breakfast, you will not have enough concentration, you will be nervous, prone to depression and eat more in the second part of the day. This way you can slow down the metabolism. It is best to eat for breakfast a combination of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
An example of healthy breakfast:
- Oatmeal cereals with sour dairy products or eggs or fruit
- Omelet of scrambled eggs and vegetables
- Integral (wholemeal) beef sandwich with ham or chicken breast or mushrooms + salad
- Corn bread, corn flour, corn meal + low-fat cheese
- Burek (pie) with cheese from buckwheat flour or wholemeal pancake + fructose jam
(portions according to an individual’s need)
Snack follows three to four hours after breakfast. If you do not have a special diet, it is best for the first meal to eat fruit. In medical diet, it is not allowed to eat fruit with high GI. The fruit recommended are sour apples, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, nectarines, oranges, (bananas, figs, dates, grapes, dried fruit - athletes, pregnant women and children). Between meals should drink about 3l fluids (non-carbonated water, teas and juices squeezed). If you weigh the definition of muscle and lower percentage of fat in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, instead of fruit for the first snack should include protein - (carbohydrates rotation).
Fruit should not be eaten for breakfast, as it contains the most sugar and does not provide satiety. In combination with other groups fermented foods and acid occurs. Fruits should be eaten two hours before or after a meal. If you have a strong desire for sweets, you create a habit with the first meal you eat something sweet. If you are on a reductive diet or have diabetes, do not eat integral biscuits, milk chocolate, confectionery, eat chocolate with fructose or cocoa, jam with fructose or nutella with carob or agave. If you eat chocolate in combination with apple, apple pulp binds fat from milk chocolate and shortens the transit time through the intestinal tract. Urgent need for sweets may occur due to the decrease of serotonin, the happiness hormone (depression, diet, boredom, emotional stress).
Lunch is the largest meal and should be varied, have nutritional values and not be caloric. For lunch, one should eat cooked food, meat or fish with vegetables. To prepare the lunch should not be used roux with oil and flour. Meat can also be braises, boiled, baked, grilled, just not fried and fried with breading in shallow and deep fat. Choose from meat less fatty parts and always remove skin and visible fat (cholesterol). Eat fresh vegetables, grilled, boiled, do not expose it to high temperatures for a long time in the heat treatment due to protein denaturation and loss of nutritional value. Salads can be combined and eat unlimited. Avoid pasteurized vegetables, winter salads and pickle. Regarding the spices in the salad, there should be used a cold-pressed oil (olive, flaxseed oil), cider and potassium or Himalayan salt. Products made of white flour replace whole wheat flour. Animal proteins combine with fibrous vegetables, do not combine foods from the same group (meat, eggs, cheese and cold meats). Use vegetable broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, arugula, carrots, kale. Use of meat chicken breast, turkey, lamb, beef, veal, pork and lamb avoid meat. Whenever you have the opportunity to replace meat with fish (trout, perch, hake, sea bream, sea bass, grouper, flounder, cod). Starchy foods should not be combined as well as foods with a high GI (bread, rice, potatoes and rice, meat, carrots, sweet corn and mushrooms, etc.).
An example of lunch:
- Cooked dishes (stuffed peppers, green beans with meat, beans, goulash, moussaka) + fresh salad + bread
- Lean fish (trout, bass) + fresh chard salad
- Bolognese sauce with integral spaghetti + fresh salad with pine nuts
- Grilled beef steak grilled vegetables + fresh salad
- Turkey with avocado + steamed vegetables and fresh salad
Only with a varied diet you can afford your body the necessary nutrients. In order for food to be varied, one should have three main meals and one to two snacks, sometimes a night snack, depending on the daily duties.
The second snack should be eaten no later than 6p.m., otherwise it is necessary to replace the dinner. Other snacks can be fruit yogurt, soup with vegetables, broth soups, sour cream, lettuce and cheese, lean fish, stewed fruit etc.
Dinner is the last daily meal, with easily digestible food, especially in winter months. If you eat starchy carbohydrates in the evening, any excess sugar goes into the subcutaneous adipose tissue and it is easy to gain weight. Night snack is necessary in malnourished people. Dinner is consumed two hours before going to bed.
An example of dinner:
- Low fat cheese + fresh salad
- Lean fish (perch, grouper, leaf) + fresh salad
- Grilled vegetables with mustard (mushrooms) or pate of vegetables + fresh salad
- Grilled turkey + fresh salad+ 10 almonds
- Caesar salad with mustard sauce and thyme
For the evening snack, drink only water and tea, avoid alcohol. One gram of alcohol contains 7 calories. Consumption of more than one glass of alcohol can lead to obesity in many ways. Alcohol is very caloric (red wine, an average of 119kcal while 100g white contains 68kcal) and reduces the body's ability to burn fat. If you drink more than three times a week, there may be fat, especially around the abdomen, which increases the risk of health problems.
In order to organize better, prepare meals day in advance.